Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is Paleo?

Im sure you have seen the ever growing popularity of this new diet Paleo, but what is it.  A few years ago I stumbled upon it online just reading health articles. There was something about it that caught my attention. It wasn't the allure of eating like our ancestors, it was that I was almost already following the diet.

 I read into it more and started checking off the foods I was eating correctly and then accepted that the foods on the do not eat list were bad. I tore through Mark Sisson's blog that night and set out the next day to give it a go.

So after a week of really sticking to it I began to  notice a huge increase in energy and a better nights rest. Then I noticed a slimming in my body and a loss in my weight, so I began to research it some more. I bought both of Mark Sisson's books, Arthur de Vany's book The New Evolutionary Diet, and Robb Wolfe's the Paleo Solution, which really broke the concepts down into how the chemicals work in your body and what the food your eating does to your body and how it works. Then I also stumbled on to, Erwan Le Corre's life long passion to teach people how to move correctly and work out naturally.

So back to the question what is paleo?
It is a diet that bases it's self on our original hunter gatherer diet. The body still has not evolved into eating a lot of the foods that dominate our culinary world. On the human time scale we have only just adopted refined sugars and processed carbohydrates so our body doesn't know how to use them and it wreaks havoc on our finely tuned systems. There are some exceptions after you follow a few weeks of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Some people can re introduce diary and rice back into there diets without noticing a difference. I know when I eat bread now it puts me out for the night, it's almost like I gave myself celiacs disease.

The basic good foods to eat are

  1. Lean Protein (meats, poultry, fish, pork, lamb, venison etc)
  2. Fruits
  3. Vegetables
  4. Nuts
  5. Seeds
  6. Healthy Fat
Foods to avoid

  1. Diary
  2. Grains
  3. Processed Foods
  4. Processed Sugars
  5. Legumes
  6. Starches
  7. Alcohol
For a general why shouldn't I eat these foods, There going to enter your body and either raise your blood glucose levels, cause inflammation, or confuse your your genes and actually shut down receptors which effects how your body operates.

For my next couple posts I will get into the specifics more but hopefully this is enough for now to spark some interest in our friends and customers and give it a go see how you feel or check out for some more reading. Some words of advice try it out, stick with it, your body is going to crave carbs like bread for the first two or three days but push through it you will thank yourself at the end of the week.

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